The Paradise Day

It would be a dream to have a day like this. First I would want to have my laptop so I could play with my friends most of the day. Next i would want to have my dog right next me for the day so I could play with him. I would next want to get tickets for me and my friends to got to knots berry farm and go on all the rides. Next I would like to have to go home and play on my laptop again all night and play with my friends and have fun. Then I would like to go swimming in a private pool and swim back and forth. Then I would like to go to like the Orange County fair and go on rides during the night. I would like to take a hot shower and go to sleep. And if I could I would love to do the same thing every single day.

26 Years Of Life

I would love to be at a age of 26 because I could do anything I want I would be able to own a house and a car. Another reason is because I can drive around and I could get a job and stay at a young age. I would also like to have my own stuff and my own bank account. I would also be allowed to make my own decision. I can make my own rules. And something else I can do is buy my own stuff.

Bacon , Clown and Mountain

A while ago I went to big bear and we drove there riding a car. Next we drove to a house that my dad rented. In the back yard there was a mini golf area covered by the snow then we just made a snow man and my dog was there to playing around because he loves the cold. Next we went to a high mountains and sled down multiple times in a row until we got tired of doing it so we did a snow ball fight. Next we went back to the house and in the front of house and there was a huge flat place of snow so we made snow angles. Then we went to sleep and did around the same thing again the next day. In the morning I took my dog on a walk and played in the snow.

Star Wars

I would love to be in the movie Star Wars. A reason I would like to Star Wars is because it would be fun flying around in space. Another reason I would like to live in Star Wars because it would be fun to fight other people with lightsabers. Another reason I would want to be in Star Wars so i can have training to do better and fight people and win. This is why I would like to live in Star Wars world.

Favorite Three Course Meal

My favorite three course meal is sushi as the main meal, and the sushi to be a California roll or a crunchy roll. With a side of French Fries. The drink that I would like to have would be a iced cold strawberry lemonade. The dessert that i would like to have with it is a vanilla bean ice cream with a brownie. Normally would I would get my favorite three course meal I get it from a restaurant at a mall.

Dream House

I would love to be able design my own house. First I would want my mansion to be on a mountain. Next thing that I would want in my house is a huge king size bed. Another thing I would want to have is a huge gaming set up in a separate room. Also I would like to have a room all for my dog with a huge dog bed and a lot of toys. I would also want to have a lot of guest rooms if my parents would want to sleep over or some of my friends. I would also like to have a huge arcade room and a huge pool. Next thing I would like to have a huge kitchen so I can cook for my self and my dog and other people. I would like to have a huge tv in my room. And I would like to have a basketball court so I can invite my friends and we could play. And I would like to have around 5 bathrooms. I would like to have my dogs play area in a separate room so he can go there when ever.

Winter Snow Dogs

If I could travel anywhere in the world I would travel Big Bear. My first reason I would go to Big Bear because I like the cold weather. Also I would want to go to Big Bear because I liked sledding down hill and doing snow ball fights with my sister. My favorite part about going to Big Bear is seeing how happy my dog is in the cold that is one of the best reasons I want to go to Big Bear. My dog hates the hot and loves the cold he would be okay to live in cold for a long time.

About Me

Hi guys welcome to my blog allow me to introduce myself. I have 12 years old and my birthday is in April. I have one sister and I have a dog. My dogs name is Cooper and he is still a puppy at the age of 1 year old. My favorite sports are basketball 🏀 and tennis 🎾. My favorite food is sushi 🍣. My favorite color is red and black it like them together. When I am older I want to be a chef and own a restaurant. A person that I want to meet one day is a master chef so they could give me tips on starting a business. My favorite subject at school is math because it is pretty fun. Another reason I like math as my favorite subject at school because I don’t really like to read or write.